Addressing Current Events in Our Country
June 5, 2020  |  Atlanta, Georgia

As a black-owned business, the tragic event in Minneapolis and the resulting unrest across the nation has been weighing heavily on all of our hearts. As we grieve with the African American community, we feel that it’s necessary to assert that we, as a company, support the right to peacefully protest, to honor the lives of George Floyd and others before them, and to demand action.

The unjust actions taking place towards the black community are inexcusable and we appreciate the people who are peacefully speaking out against the injustice. We recognize that these situations are causing complex emotions and feelings in not just the black community, but throughout every sector of the country. These events have and will continue to cause tough conversations throughout society, and we urge you to practice understanding and kindness when communicating with each other. This is not a situation that will be solved overnight, but together we can pray for peace and a better tomorrow.

If you need support during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 800.538.3543.

Please take care of yourself and others.